英国的砾石中心 Britain’s Gravel Central

参观了阿伯福伊尔,也被称为“砾石福伊尔”,骑行了两天。众所周知它的徒步和各种类型的骑行,还有一些短途强烈推荐的行程。累人的第一天骑了7小时120公里,第二天是60公里。这里非常值得一游。Visited Aberfoyle, otherwise known as “Gravelfoyle” for two days to check out the cycling. Well known for its hikes and cycling of all types and great short highly recommended trip. Tiring first day of 120km 7h followed by a short 60km 2nd day. Well worth the visit.

Day 1:

120公里的西和南路线带我穿过了西高地路,这是一条著名的沿着湖泊通向南北的徒步路线,然后穿过了约翰缪尔路的一部分,这是一条东西向的徒步路线,最后回到了阿伯福伊尔。森林通向沼地,通向湖泊,通向乡间小路,回到沼地,最后到达森林。有一些徒步和骑行的部分,有很多单轨和越野小路。漫长的一天,但有很多地方可以停下来喝咖啡和蛋糕,还有很多保释点。The 120km West and South route took me over the West Highland Way, a famous hiking route going South North along the lochs, and then over part of the John Muir Way, a east west hiking route, finishing back in Aberfoyle. Forests lead to moorlands, lead to lakes, lead country lanes, back to moorlands and ending in forests. A bit of hike and bike in parts, lots of single track and off road paths. A long day out but lots of places to stop for coffee & cake and many bail out points available.

Day 2:

观。在蜿蜒的湖泊和森林中上上下下。壮观度上比前一天小,但风景同样令人惊叹…… North of Aberfoyle taking in some stunning loch landscapes. Meandering around the lochs and forests with lots of ups and down. Smaller scale than the day before but equally stunning…

Gallery & Notes:

  • 齿轮:这个地区有很多路线。查看下面的路线集合。最好有砾石轮胎带中心旋钮(不光滑)和1对1齿轮。2瓶水和零食。
  • 交通:到格拉斯哥60公里,到爱丁堡80公里左右,乘坐火车、公共汽车或自驾都很方便。
  • 住宿:建议在森林里的迷你露营车,但镇上和周围也有很多地方。
  • 购物:有城镇和超市,加油站和基本的餐馆。没什么令人兴奋的。
  • 注:砾石地图:https://gravelmap.com/#_=8.37/56.155/-4.411
  • 该地区还有很多很酷的游乐设施
  • Gear: Lots of routes in the area. Check out the below route collections. Best to have gravel tires with central knobs (no slick) and 1 to 1 gears. 2 bottles of water and snacks.
  • Travel: 60km to Glasgow and 80km or so to Edinburg makes for easy train, bus or driving. 
  • Stay: suggest mini camper van in the forests but lots of places in and around town.
  • Shopping: in town and supermarket, petrol station and basic restaurants. Nothing really exciting.
  • Notes: Cool collection of gravel maps: https://gravelmap.com/#_=8.37/56.155/-4.411
  • Also a cool collection of rides in the area

GPX Files
