220km MX to Dien Bien Phu, 3000m two big climbs.
Long massive day with the trots.
Nice resort gave me food poisoning and 15km out of my way.
Don’t bother trying to take short cuts in Laos. It’s not a thing and you will end up climbing a mountain quickly.
A bit of up and down and then following the mud river mostly flat for sometime.
Stomach cramps the whole way and little energy mean 150w max, thank god for the gears.
Pungent stinky rubber being deposited at sides off road.
Two stops for some rice, just trying to get some carbs down me. Stomach did not want to cooperate.
Always worried about border closing and unsure if i would make it through.
First big hill with stunning views. Nothing too steep.
Second big hill to border nice with sharper 2nd end.
Arrived at the Laos side with 10 minutes before it closed. A drunken disco with dancing going on next door. 10 minute process (6pm close and think 8am open) of getting through and 15 minute ride to the VN side. There they could not scan passport, a few calls and half hour later a stamp and let through but it had gotten dark. Battery on bike light was out so had to use phone light for a 20km downhill which they had turned into a mining road. Arrived 9pm. Nackered.
Ecosystem and weather here feels very different…
Hotel: Murong Thanh Grand Dien Bien Phu. 40 USD. Modern big fine.