青蛙和生蚝环线 Frogs Oysters Loop

  • Southern England & Northern France.
  • Great tour for beginners on quiet roads and bike paths.
  • 1260km 7 days of cycling.

沿着安静的道路和自行车道,在英格兰南部和法国北部进行一次轻松的小旅行。我认为这是新手骑手或初次来到这个地区的自行车旅行者的完美路线。轻装上阵,行李不多,沿途在朋友家和酒店住宿,沿着国家自行车道骑行,同时大吃大喝,这真是一次非常愉快的放松体验。我花了 7 天的时间骑行了 1260 公里,但我建议你可以花10天内完成,或者花两周时间游览巴黎。骑自行车进行这种旅行确实会带来更好的体验。


Route Collection

I wanted to visit some old Shanghai friends who had moved back and get some KM’s on the legs. I also wanted to try out the English and French bike lanes to see how they work and how beginner-friendly they are. I therefore put together a little loop from London to the coast, with a ferry over to Normandy and then headed west to Britany with a ferry back over to west England and then back East to London. i.e. clockwise loop.

It was a very chilled 10 days tour with lots of good food and wine. I highly recommend this type of tour (or something like the CMT) if you’ve never been to the UK and France and are new to bike touring. You could easily add in Paris as well with an extra 3 or 4 days. Keeping to the national bike routes means your’re on small low traffic roads, scenic areas or good gravel paths (lots of converted old railway lines, fantastic re-purposing). For routing try Komoot or Ride with GPS as they clearly show the cycle networks. Also google or ask around for good routes. Something easy and manageable can be found.

There are places to stay every 10km or so along these routes of all budgets to choose from. From camping to high end hotels. I just went on booking.com app mid day and choose something for that evening. I’m sure there would have been more and better options if I booked key places ahead. Also you could try https://www.warmshowers.org/ for free places to stay hosted by like-minded cyclists! A great idea and something i should probably do.

You can bring your own bike or buy a second hand bike or pick up a cheap one at something like decathlon. There are no mountains so weight is not so important. Make sure you have some half decent touring tires or gravel tires and some gears. Do it in the summer and pack very light. I had two sets of off-and-on bike gear for easy washing / drying.
