Author: JustyJ

  • SFR D1

    SFR D1

    100km Chiang Rai to Chiang Khong. Mostly flat. Easy late flight up to CR the night before, stayed in a clean budget hotel which did the trick and got the bike built Saturday am. Left CR 9am and cycled an uneventful day of 100km through rubber plantations, rice, parm, and villages.  Bike doing its thing.…

  • SFR Pre Ride

    SFR Pre Ride

    A flight from PRC to TH Phuket. A few days with family chilling and then flight to BK > Chiang Rai. Spending time tweaking the route. Thanks to riding buddies Liam, Ed, Huub and also David & Ash from Velo Vietnam for all the route info. Riden only about 30% of this route so lots…

  • 博客 | 工程合规性 Engineered compliance

    博客 | 工程合规性 Engineered compliance

    拿到新的 Roubaix 并在所有类型的路面上做过了试骑,恰巧在车棚里也有 Crux 和 Diverge,我想这时候来给大家做个比较是合适的。 鲁贝 VS C&D 我猜它将成为我首选的快速探险旅行自行车、公路自行车和砾石自行车。 + 全天/月 长距离舒适 + 灵活的座杆:) 几天来坐骨区域和屁股的瘀伤消失了,与我的3D 打印坐垫相结合后……它确实更适合一整天或者多天的长距离骑行,体验更好,它还可以让你在崎岖不平的路面上减轻疲劳,因为你可以通过更平顺的踏板动作保持更长时间的坐姿。 减少背痛。 没有像我的旧 Crane Creek 曲柄那样会明显的上下摆动。 + 前方缓震Future shock 3,起初并没有真正注意到它,但最终非常欣赏它。 骑下来脖子酸痛、手腕和手麻木的情况明显减少了很多。感觉都不需要手套了。 它也非常适合搭配 TT 手把。 + 宽的胎容量。 最多到 40 cm。 非常适合公路自行车。 + 传动装置。 不确定我有什么(SRAM Force 2by),但它很棒。 有我需要的所有顶部和底部加上 TT 把末端的装置。 只希望它是可靠的…… + 大量安装点:是有上管、下管及下侧 3 个水壶支架安装点的公路自行车。 – 砾石轮胎宽度。 希望更快的40厘米宽的砾石轮胎和粗胎能够问世。 在此之前,我们一直使用 38 号轮胎,因为大多数好的砾石轮胎都是…

  • 英国的砾石中心 Britain’s Gravel Central

    英国的砾石中心 Britain’s Gravel Central

    参观了阿伯福伊尔,也被称为“砾石福伊尔”,骑行了两天。众所周知它的徒步和各种类型的骑行,还有一些短途强烈推荐的行程。累人的第一天骑了7小时120公里,第二天是60公里。这里非常值得一游。Visited Aberfoyle, otherwise known as “Gravelfoyle” for two days to check out the cycling. Well known for its hikes and cycling of all types and great short highly recommended trip. Tiring first day of 120km 7h followed by a short 60km 2nd day. Well worth the visit. Day 1: 120公里的西和南路线带我穿过了西高地路,这是一条著名的沿着湖泊通向南北的徒步路线,然后穿过了约翰缪尔路的一部分,这是一条东西向的徒步路线,最后回到了阿伯福伊尔。森林通向沼地,通向湖泊,通向乡间小路,回到沼地,最后到达森林。有一些徒步和骑行的部分,有很多单轨和越野小路。漫长的一天,但有很多地方可以停下来喝咖啡和蛋糕,还有很多保释点。The 120km West and South route…

  • 安徽最棒的骑行路线?The best cycling route in Anhui?

    安徽最棒的骑行路线?The best cycling route in Anhui?

    安徽天路 Anhui Sky Road 这是一个很棒的一进一出带两个爬升的大环线!An amazing out and back or big loop with a double climb! 天路是一条非常值得一游的山脊线路线!从野趣乡居(驱车1小时即可到达屯溪。骑行结束后在屯溪吃午餐,然后餐馆探索古镇,再返回民宿!The sky road is a proper ridge line route worth a trip for! An easy 1h drive to Tunxi from Have lunch in Tunxi after the ride and explore the old town before you come back to the…

  • 中国东部最美的爬坡线? The Nicest Climb in East China?

    中国东部最美的爬坡线? The Nicest Climb in East China?

    婺源Bird爬坡线 The Wuyuan Bird Cimb 毫无疑问,这是华东地区自然风景最优美的爬坡线之一,如果不能说是最好的话!它不陡但它几乎什么都有,看到一些很棒的风景和一个不错的结局。Certainly one of the most naturally scenic climbs in East China if not the nicest! It’s not steep but it has a bit of everything, some great views and a nice ending. More routes in this area – CMT

  • 清迈骑行之旅Chiang Mai Rides

    清迈骑行之旅Chiang Mai Rides

    非常享受在泰国清迈的骑行。如果空气质量还可以的话,绝对值得一游。从上海出发,3.5小时的航班既简单又便宜。在市中心找一家AirBnB,骑行、放松、吃饭,逛逛集市和景点。Chiangmai, Thailand has some seriously good cycling. Definitely worth the visit if the air is ok. A easy and cheap 3.5h flight from Shanghai. Find a AirBnB downtown, ride, relax, eat and visit the old markets and sites. 8条公路线路(有一些小部分的土路),从40KM到200+KM. A collection of 8 road rides (some with small sections of off road) from 40km to…

  • 自行车调节 Dirty Bike Fit!

    自行车调节 Dirty Bike Fit!

    Borrowing or renting a bike? A quick and dirty method to get a simple fit. A. Get your cycling kit on (or whatever you will be riding the bike with). Especially the shoes. (not sure what shoes or peddles see this). B. Find a wall or fence that you can hold on with one hand…

  • 初学者的鞋子建议 Dirty Shoe Advice for Beginners.

    初学者的鞋子建议 Dirty Shoe Advice for Beginners.

    A quick note on shoes for the Dirty Challenge (and bike touring / exploring in general). If you like your cycling get yourself a pair of Mountain bike shoes and peddles. They are the best beginner option for cycling shoes, will give you more power and are safer than normal shoes. They are great for…

  • N+1 Sprint Adventures

    N+1 Sprint Adventures

    The Allez is Specialized non-thrills Aluminum entry road bike but within the range is the Sprint model which is designed as a stiff, fast great handling Crit bike. I’ve had 3 Sprints now and don’t use them solely for their intended purposes. I appreciate its economy combined with its performance. No nonsense super stiff aluminium…