在古老的徽州地区,从杭州到婺源,沿着东方丝绸之路,这是一条非常好的旅游线路!很适合骑自行车,摩托车,自驾或高铁旅行。PeterW, JonathanR 和JustinJ 在2021年设计了这条路线,这里是风景最好的地区,参观古镇,体验当地文化。我一直在反复刷这片地区,每年都会持续增加一些经典的路线。A very nice trip route in the ancient Huizhou area from Hangzhou to Jingdezhen along the Eastern silk road! Great for touring on bike, motorbike, car or train. PeterW, JonathanR and JustinJ devised the route in 2021 taking in the area’s best landscape, visits of old towns and experiencing the local culture. I’ve been revisiting the area and continue to add to the master route each year.
- 天数:整个环线需4至7天,可以拆分成几次旅行来完成它。
- 难度:容易。有些山丘,沿途也有很多地方可以住宿。
- 交通:便利。沿途设有火车站及高速公路。很适合4+2的旅行方式,自驾到目的地然后在附近骑车。
- 关键地区:从安徽的野趣乡居到婺源然后回来。经过三阳,歙县,黟县,婺源,景德镇,山村,千岛湖,沿着95号公路。
- 自行车装备:用宽轮胎的公路自行车会更舒适和容易(建议用32mm宽胎)。最好用探险自行车,因为你会有更多的灵活性骑去任何地方和更多的齿比,爬坡更容易。还有一些其他的旅行装备。
- 路线:以下是GPX文件的压缩包。还请查看komoot合集和ridewithgps合集。
- Days Required: we would suggest 4 to 7 days for whole loop or do it in bits over a few trips.
- Difficulty: generally easy. Some hills but thats to be expected. Lots of places to stay.
- Access: easy, train stations and motorways along the route. Works very well as a 4+2 trip, drive to a destination and cycle nearby.
- Key Places: from Anhui Wildhomestay to Skywells Wuyuan and back. Sanyang, She County, Yixian, Tuxi Huanshan, Wuyuan, Jingdezhen, A mountain village, Qiandao Lake and back. Route 95.
- Bike Equipment: Easy to do on a road bike with some comfortable big tires (suggest 32cc for touring). Best done on an adventure bike as you have more flexibility to go anywhere and more gears. Usual touring stuff.
- Routes: A zip file of GPX routes below. Also see komoot collection and ridewithgps collection.
- More Info: some basic background on the area on Wildhomestay’s site
2023 Route Additions:
She County Loop: lots of the essence of Huizhou, rivers, villages and hills.
婺源Bird爬坡线Wuyuan Bird Climb: 中国东部最美的爬坡线?East China’s most scenic climb.
安徽天路 Anhui Sky Road: 这是一个很棒的一进一出带两个爬升的大环线!Stunning mountain ride, best ride in Anhui?
2021 Ride Diary
Our Full Ride Diary can be found on Weibo. See below also:
Day 1: Homestay to Huangshan: web link

There are more direct easier routes however i liked the route we did. For road bike users stay on the main road around the 130km mark going into huangshan.
The first day: There is a more direct and easier route from Yequ Township to Huangshan, but I like our route.
For road vehicles, it is about 130 kilometers, and then enter Huangshan Mountain.
Day 2: Huangshan > Hongcun > Xidi.
The next day: Huangshan to Xidihong Village web link

Fine for road bikes. Could cut short for more direct route. Very nice double hill climb.
Road cars are also fine. It can be shortened to a more direct route. Great climb.
Day 3: XiDi to Wuyuan: web link

XiDi to Wuyuan: Perfect river ride. For road bikes take the last 10km into Skywells on the main road.
Day three: West delivery to Wuyuan
It’s a beautiful river view. The last 10 kilometers of the road bus to Skywells
Day 4: Wuyuan to Mountain Top web link

Bad road construction. Detour around until end 2022. around 35km mark take the main road west towards G56. Then north to reservoir. from their head west back onto route.
Day four: Wuyuan to the top of the mountain
Road repair, completed in 2022. About 35KM, west along the main road, heading for the G56. Then go north to the reservoir and then return to the main route west.
Day 5: Mountain Top to Qiandao Hu web link

Nice route and road. Suitable for road bikes.
Day five: Peak to Thousand Island Lake
The road conditions are very good, suitable for road vehicles.
Day 6: Qiandao Hu to Wildhomestay web link

For Road bikes go left at KM 80 missing out the big climbs. The top of the big climb has about 3km of gravel.
Day 6: Qiandao Lake to Yequ Township
The road bike drove left 80 kilometers away and missed the big slope. There are about 3 kilometers of gravel roads to climb the hill.
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