Coros Dura Thoughts 想法



它可靠而且有效……这听起来不怎么样,但根据我在中国甚至海外使用 GPS 的经验,使用到一个相对没有错误的产品就已经很好了。设备的更新、地图的下载、信息的同步。所有都无可挑剔……是有一些部分还需要调整,但它也是可用的。





如果你也用他们的手表,在他们的应用程序中会有全套数据。我猜你最终可以整合 whoop、码表、手表、健康监测、睡眠监测功能,所有这些数据都会在一个生态系统中。




公路&公路赛/砾石路:还尚未用它参加过比赛,但进行过一些高速的团体骑行。希望在这个点上看到更多的手表集成功能。没太多可报告的。使用上和预期差不多,能满足我个人的所有需求。能集成Strava 上的赛段会很好,但如果我认真对待的话,我也可以在上面自设置航点。与 Di2 和 AXS 的整合良好。

铁人三项:未经测试,但 Coros 在铁人三项领域相当强大,因此看看它将如何进一步发展手表、码表、它们的功能整合将会很有趣……。


电动自行车:不错。屏幕和字段显示电动自行车模式和电池电量,至少我的 Specialized 电动自行车是这样的。

室内骑行台:拿起 wahoo kickr,但没有尝试测试它的阻力。无论如何,我不会将码表用于固定式的骑行台,除了在他们的应用程序中有数据是件好事……

探险摩托车:这款产品和手表的组合使用非常棒。Dura 在我的视觉窗口中显示逐向导航(希望它们能像佳明一样通过 BT 耳机添加声音提示),并且带有手机屏幕镜像的手表非常适合放大和缩小路线。将手机和 Dura 保持在不同的缩放比例意味着我可以更好地了解即将到来的转角和更大的图景。很棒……希望在这个使用场景中看到更多功能 :)。


地图:效果很好。希望他们会做一些视觉调整。航点警报很棒,希望会进一步开发它。航点和 gpx 文件可以通过他们的应用程序从 Strava / RWGPS 轻松导入。可以推送至 Strava、TrainingPeaks,但还没有 RideWithGPS(对吗?)

电池:应该是同级别中最佳的?目前测试下来,在 5-7 小时的骑行中,耗电量在 5%。需要不断进行调整测试。

个人目标总结:为易用性(如果习惯于 Coros 系统)和电池寿命设定了新标准。没有过时的遗留系统意味着界面、导航和连接简洁易用。最适合中国的设备*。理论上,手表和 Coros 生态系统意味着可能会对实用性和功能进行相当创新的更新。它将成为我接下来主要使用的码表,我的旧 Garmin wahoo 设备,我仍然会保留它们来为我们的比赛参与者测试比赛 gpx 和航点。

这不是测评,有关测评,请参阅 DC Rainmaker。

最后说明:Coros 为我提供了几个设备供我免费测试,一个设备供我保留,还有一块手表。我与他们签署了保密协议,但可以自由报告我喜欢的内容,不会从他们那里收取任何费用或其他东西。我是他们手表的长期用户。

关于中国的注意事项:在我使用过的设备中(Garmin / Wahoo / iGPSport / Sram),这款设备在中国的效果是迄今为止最好的。在这里许多服务都被屏蔽了,这使得使用这些设备有点噩梦。iGPSport 在中国运行良好,但有一些地图缺陷(可能他们已更新新设备但我还没测试过)。其余的这些都让我抓狂不已。Dura 更新固件、地图和服务非常快,而且没有问题。真是个不错的改变。

English Below:

I’ve been testing units for a few months and providing feedback and suggestions on functions. It’s been an interesting process for me. I’ve dropped it a few times, sat on it, stood on it, cycled with it to 4700m over the KKH (China Pakistan), attached it to a thumper of a vibrating motorbike and ridden with it through rainstorms all without issue. The only hardware issue I had, was braking a mount, which was due to an over loaded front bag smaking against it on some serious pot holes in northern Pakistan.

My feedback to the community:

It’s reliable and works… This does not sound like much but given my experience of using GPS’s in China and even overseas, it’s nice to use a relatively bug free product. Devices update, maps download, things sync. Its all rather seamless… Yes there are a few things that need tweaking but its usable.

Features keep getting added…. Well at least they did during the beta stage at quite and impressive rate. I hope that carries on…..

Battery life is seriously good as one would expect with such a large solar panel but there is other clever stuff going on to minimize consumption.

It’s simple and intuitive to use. So much more so than Garmin and others. I guess that’s partly due to me being used to the watches.

It’s quick to use… Its always on, screens are simple, maps are bold and big and items easy to glance at during the heat of an interval or with my old mans eyes.

Full suite of data in their app, if you also have their watch. I guess you end up with kind of a free whoop, bike computer, watch, health tracker, sleep tracker all in, in one eco system.

Pricing….. Dont know.

Ok, from a user case point of view:

Touring; I would say it’s the perfect touring adventure device. Easy to update everything through the phone app, get new maps, firmware etc. Long battery life and simple mapping is great. Watch as HR monitor is nice function so no chest strap to wear on long days. Looking forward to more touring based features.

Road & Road Racing / Gravel: not yet raced with it but done some quick group rides. Hoping to see some more watch integration here. Nothing much to report back. Works as expected and does everything I personally need. Guess Strava segment integration would be nice but I can make waypoints if im being serious about that (which im not). Integrates well with Di2 and AXS.

Triathlon: not tested but Coros is quite strong in the Tri area so it will be interesting to see how it will further develop watch, bike computer, watch integration….

Commuting: plotting a route in the app is super quick and easy and so is following it.

eBike: nice. Screens and fields showing ebike mode and battery levels, well at least with my Specialized ebike.

Indoor trainer: picked up the wahoo kickr but did not try testing it driving the resistance. I would not use a bike computer anyway for a stationary trainer, other than its nice to have data in their app…..

Adventure Motorbike: the combo of this and the watch is great. The Dura upfront in my vision window for turn by turn directions (hope they add audible alerts through BT earphones like Garmin) and the watch with screen mirroring on the phone is great for zooming in and out of routes. Keeping the phone and Dura at different Zoom ratios means I can better understand upcoming corners and the bigger picture. Nice…. Hope to see more function in this use case :).

So to summarize my needs it covers them well but I would like to see more functions without complicating the experience.

Mapping: works well. Hopefully, they will make a few visual tweaks. Waypoint alerts are great and hopefully, it’s something they will further develop. Waypoints and gpx files import easily from Strava / RWGPS through their app. Push to Strava, TrainingPeaks but no RWGPS (yet?)


Battery: assume best in class? As of testing getting about 5% usage on 5-7h ride. Tweaks have been made on an ongoing basis.

Personal objective summary: sets a new standards for ease of use (if used to Coros system) and battery life. Lack of outdated legacy means clean easy to use interface and navigation and connectivity. Best device for China* . Watch and Coros ecosystem in theory means there could be quite innovative updates made to usability and functionality. It will become my bike computer and my old Garmin wahoo units I’ll still keep to test out race gpx’s and waypoints for our race participants.

This is not a review, for that please see DC Rainmaker.

Final Note: Coros provided me a few units to test free of charge and one unit to keep and a watch. I signed a NDA with them but am free to report what I like and do not receive any money or other stuff from them. I’m a long time user of their watches.

Note for China: of the devices I’ve used (Garmin / Wahoo / iGPSport / Sram) this device works by far the best in China. Many services are blocked here which makes using these devices a bit of a nightmare. iGPSport works ok here but has some mapping flaws (might have updated with new device but not tested). The rest have driven me crazy over the years. The Dura updates firmware, maps and services quickly and without issue. Such a nice change.



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